The Basics of Fundamentals

The following excerpt is from the Unicist book titled Unicist Fundamental Technology by Peter Belohlavek. Businesses are, by definition, adaptive systems that need to evolve in an adapted way in an environment. Therefore, knowledge is essential to manage businesses.  Knowledge…

Facing the Unknown – Unicist Diagnosing

The following excerpt is from the Unicist Partners Blog post titled “Diagnosing, the first step to develop business strategies” by Peter Belohlavek. Unicist object business diagnostics is based on three central aspects that allow developing accurate diagnoses, scenarios and strategies.…

Business Speed Requires Quality

The following excerpt is from the Unicist book titled Unicist Objects Building by Peter Belohlavek. Quality assurance is the difference that makes a person, institution, work group, system, work or product reliable or not. Without quality assurance there is no reliability…