Timing: Acceleration and Speed to achieve Synchronicity

Taxonomies define the logical steps of work processes. Business taxonomies define the steps that have to be followed to achieve results.  Timing is the integration of acceleration and speed to achieve the necessary synchronicity to achieve results.

The economy of energy in businesses depends on the accuracy of the use of their taxonomies. Shortcuts produce paradoxical results. They always drive towards the most expensive pathways.

To be able to follow the logical steps in work it is necessary to have an action speed that is synchronic with the environment.

Businesses are like a moving train that one wants to catch. It is necessary to run at the train’s speed. If one runs slower it cannot be caught. If one runs faster one wastes lots of energy and achieves no results. One’s speed has to be synchronic with the train’s speed.

It is needed to have the necessary acceleration to jump on it when one reached the right place to catch it. But this acceleration requires having the necessary courage and force to do so.

The paradox appears when one intends to take a seat in the train. Instead of finding a seat one is again on a platform trying to catch the next train which is the next business.

Timing can be trained. But the vocation to catch moving trains, representing doing businesses, cannot be trained. It has to be there.