Innovation and the generation of cash flow drive growth

Whunicist economic growthen a business needs to grow it necessarily needs to generate better solutions for the market that are based on the generation of cash flow for its clients.

This sounds paradoxical, but it is necessary to generate a structural growth for a company.

We are copying a text on economic growth from the book “Growth Crisis 2008-2010”:

The active principle of economic growth requires:

technology implies an improvement of the generation of added value with less energy consumption and less energy losses. Thus the economy grows in terms of increasing the available added value that can be traded in the community.

Consumer’s monetary circulation:
is the necessary credit available to access goods for the mass population.

Value competitiveness: is the capacity to compete providing superior value and not based on cost advantages.

The energy conservation principle requires the integration of a need to avoid scarcity, productive monetary circulation to finance the production of goods and services and price competitiveness in order to win markets based on price advantages.

Applying this to the healthcare business it can be said that:

1)  An upgrade in technology that provides additional added value is the core of structural growth.
2)  This added value needs to produce, somehow, a cash flow generation for the client in order to be demanded.
3)  Competitiveness has to be there integrated with full reliability.

This is the challenge that has to be solved in order to grow.