The expansion of businesses implies expanding their vital space. This requires having a growth ethics and a growth ideology.
Category: Medical Cybernetics
Thinking Robotics for the Healthcare System
Robotics uses a system that allows introducing information of reality, introducing conceptual operational structures to modify the knowledge the system has, making decisions and dealing with the feedback from reality.
Making healthcare businesses grow
Businesses are typical adaptive systems. Businesses need to adapt to the environment in order to achieve the permanence of their transcendent goals and the personal goals of their participants.
About Functional IT Architecture
The ontology of the function IT architecture is based on the integration of the elements that are included in software building.
The power of simplicity in business
Businesses are simple when businessmen/women have their business-model in their minds and their customers find the product or service they are seeking for.
Growth using the Principles of Organizational Equilibrium
Organizational equilibrium is the integration of the equilibrium with the environment and the internal equilibrium of organizations.
The breakthrough of Unicist Change Management
The Unicist Standard presented by Peter Belohlavek provides the necessary taxonomic steps and objects to be able to develop object driven continuous improvement
Building Corporate Universities as Unicist Business Objects
In-company Corporate Universities are an extremely powerful business object to promote growth and measurable monetary results.
Unicist Tweetinar on ACOs and Patient Centered Management
Accountable Care Organizations ae, among other aspects, a way to introduce Patient Centered Management in the healthcare business
Healthcare businesses have to be adaptive as never before
Businesses are adaptive systems that need to evolve in an adapted way in an environment. Therefore, knowledge is essential to manage businesses.