Mr. Mark Schenk provides a good overview of various types of problems in this video. Access it: What is clear is that complex problems require an approach that is different. The Weston Group has adopted The Unicist Standard for…
Category: Concepts
The use of commercial white papers to expand businesses
Commercial white papers are universal tools to inform clients of what is behind of what is being sold.
The power of simplicity in business
Businesses are simple when businessmen/women have their business-model in their minds and their customers find the product or service they are seeking for.
More than 4,000 ontological researches on adaptive systems
The research on the “unicist unified field of human complex adaptive systems”, with its 36 ontological entities, allowed overcoming the milestone of 4,000 ontological researches developed at The Unicist Research Institute.
Growth using the Principles of Organizational Equilibrium
Organizational equilibrium is the integration of the equilibrium with the environment and the internal equilibrium of organizations.
Winning negotiations start with an authority conflict
The authority conflict is the starting point that defines successful negotiations. Without this conflict, the negotiation does not begin.
The Natural Organization for Adaptive Business Units
The natural organization applied to business is a meta-model that defines the ideology that has to be included in any business process design.
The breakthrough of Unicist Change Management
The Unicist Standard presented by Peter Belohlavek provides the necessary taxonomic steps and objects to be able to develop object driven continuous improvement
The pathway from Analogical Thinking to Operational Thinking
Foundation-building is the bridge between analogical thinking and operational thinking.
Business Expansion is based on Inner Freedom
Inner freedom is the capacity of individuals to assume the responsibility they have, making conscious adapted decisions.