Diagnosing In Business

Below is a link for the EM Basic Poscast, episode “Chest Pain”.


You can find EM Basic at http://embasic.org.  This is a podcast given by an Emergency Room physician and covers diagnosis of inbound patients.Unicist Ontogenetic Map of Unicist Diagnostics

Healthcare is paradigmatic case where not performing a diagnosis can have undesired results.  Obviously, the ability to diagnose has improved over time. The correlation of improved human health may exist.

This podcast provides a glimpse into healthcare diagnosing for those who are not familiar to allow a homologous benchmark to be considered.

Diagnosing in business is not as common as in healthcare where it is the starting point for any activity. A white paper describing the Unicist Standard for diagnosing can be found here:


This is the most advanced approach to diagnosing  human adaptive systems, including businesses, which can be found. It is proposed that all consider the benefits of increasing the activity of diagnosing first and acting second.