Honoring Steve Jobs for having opened a window

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday leaving behind a deed that is, and will be, multiplying worldwide.

He will probably be remembered as the co-founder of Apple which, from our standpoint, is unfair.

He is the person who introduced the user in the organization, giving true meaning to work. His search for transcendence, in the wide and not egotistic sense, allowed him to understand the needs of the community. He worked and organized the work to cover such needs.

See: http://unicist.net/engineering/aesthetics-is-the-core-of-steve-jobs-business-approach

Courage was, without doubt, his guide in everyday work. He had to face “Goliaths” being a “David” and also had to overcome the “yes but” and “no” that innovators have to deal with. The prices he had to pay were extremely high.

Apple was the vehicle for his innovations. It has to be considered that innovators without users have no added value. His creation allowed the integration of human beings with electronic devices.

He is the true creator of the “phenotype” of computers and adjacent devices, which are their interfaces. The “window” he opened will never close.

I would like to say “good bye” with two simple words:

Thank you…

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.