The Unicist Ontology erased the barriers between action, science and philosophy giving birth to the ontology based research of complex adaptive systems.
In Life Sciences: Development of the functional structure that regulates evolution and the development of the structure of living beings as a unified field.
In Research: Development of a methodology for complex and adaptive systems research.
In Philosophy: Discovery of the unicist ontology and refutation of Hegel’s dialectic theory, as a particular case, and the formulation of the laws of the double dialectic.
In Social Sciences: Discovery of cross-cultural “invariables” and their laws of evolution.
In Future Research and Strategy: Modeling of the ontological structure in the individual, institutional and social fields that allows inferring the evolution.
In Education: Discovery of the ontology of learning which has given scientific sustainability, amongst others, to Piaget.
In Anthropology: Discovery of the “invariables” of human behavior.
In Mathematics: Development of the conceptual basis of dependence, interdependence, independence of variables.
In Economic Science: Discovery of the structure of the ontology of Economics. Development of the ontological structure of Economic Schools and their functionality.
In Political Science: Development of the ontological basis of ideologies and their functionality.
In Cognitive Science: Development of a methodology to construct knowledge and knowledge objects with existing information through an integrative logic.
In History: Development of a historical analysis methodology based on the Unicist dialectic (double dialectic).
In Logic: Development and formalization of the integrative unicist logic, sustention for the unified fields’ theory in evolution.
In Psychology: Discovery of the ontology and evolution laws of human essential complexes (Inferiority/Superiority – Oedipus)