Segmenting implies, in the real sense of the concept, “talk” with a person as she/he is, without needing to project on her what we need to see.
Tag: Business strategy
The Unicist Standard for Business Growth
The objective of the Unicist Standard for Business Growth is to establish the rules that need to be considered when developing growth programs.
Using value propositions to open ethical products sales
The characteristic of ethical products or services, such as medical practice, expert outsourcing, consulting and innovation, is that they cannot be sold, they need to be bought.
Businesses have implicit ideologies: The Unicist Ideology
The use of the unicist object driven technologies within the limits of the ethic of doers to foster the evolution of businesses defines the unicist ideology.
Career Development: Personal Empowerment in Business
One of the core aspects to be considered when developing people is to understand how they approach work.
Unicist strategy: Business growth has no shortcuts
The development of growth strategies requires dealing with the specific reality of the market based on its characteristics and following the steps to influence it.
The coordination of Unicist “A” Groups to introduce changes
The leadership of Unicist Avant Garde Groups requires fostering extreme synergy among the members.
Syntony, harmony and melody in the evolution of businesses
The Unicist Standard deals with the evolution of businesses considering that it is necessary to produce a “change without changing”.
Timing: Acceleration and Speed to achieve Synchronicity
Taxonomies define the logical steps of work processes. Business taxonomies define the steps that have to be followed to achieve results.
Business Functionality of Ethical Intelligence
Ethical intelligence in business defines the value adding possibilities, the influence on the environment, time management, strategic planning and focusing.