The approach to EMR/EHR needs to include both administrative and adaptive aspects in order to work as a driver for patient oriented healthcare.
Tag: Unicist Standard
Business Growth: How business miracles work
Business miracles are in fact unexpected turning points in a business producing extremely desired and necessary results.
Unicist Standard: The Past and the Future are not symmetric
Future can only be managed knowing the fundamentals that rule it. The Unicist Standard was developed to influence reality in order to make a “future” happen.
Businesses are built to provide materialistic welfare
Work is a basic condition in business. Work in business implies using force to produce a displacement that generates value.
The Unicist Standard for Negotiation Strategies
The role of negotiator is the most complex one because it is immersed in the management of conflicts.
The Unicist Standard for Business Growth
The objective of the Unicist Standard for Business Growth is to establish the rules that need to be considered when developing growth programs.
Using value propositions to open ethical products sales
The characteristic of ethical products or services, such as medical practice, expert outsourcing, consulting and innovation, is that they cannot be sold, they need to be bought.
Businesses have implicit ideologies: The Unicist Ideology
The use of the unicist object driven technologies within the limits of the ethic of doers to foster the evolution of businesses defines the unicist ideology.
Happy 2011: Leaving behind illusions, fears and voluntarism
The 2008 crisis required dealing with the future having an optimistic approach; but illusions, fears and voluntarism kill everything they touch. The future depends on us. Therefore we need to leave behind the illusions, fears and voluntarism that were fostered…
EMR/EHR and Cloud Computing drive Continuous Improvement
Unicist Pre-diagnoses have been launched to give the Healthcare Industry access to an approach to evaluate the possibilities of value generating improvements.