The Path of the Architect

The following excerpt is from the Unicist book titled The Path of the Architect by Peter Belohlavek.


Unicist Ontology of Functional Architecture

Unicist Ontology of Functional Architecture

Architects are individuals who make something exists that did not exist before. They are a sort of creators who have assumed the responsibility that this creation becomes useful, aesthetic and solid.


This role of architects has been socially accepted since they exist, which makes legitimate the face that their earning be proportional to the value of their creation.

The original role of architects is the field of construction but it extended to those capable of building of any entity that can exist in itself and is useful, aesthetic and solid.

That is why there exist architects in many field such as product architects, IT architects, sound architects, marketing architects, business architects, etc.

Vitruvius (see Annex) was the one who was able to describe and define their role in the 1st Century B.C. He was the one who described the ontological structure or their function.

The unicist approach to architecture includes the need to know the ontological structure of what is being built in order to ensure its utility, aesthetics and solidity.

Unicist Architecture is a structural functionalist approach to building.  This building may or may not emulate nature.  What the architects need to manage is their integration in a unified field with the project they are dealing with defining its utility, aesthetics and functionality.