Business Growth is the most complex problem to face in management. The objective of the Unicist Standard for Business Growth is to establish the rules that need to be considered when developing growth programs.
There are two simultaneous actions that need to be developed to make a business grow:
1) Conjunctural actions to take advantage of opportunities.
2) Structural actions to develop the structural growth of a business.
The Unicist Standard defines the conditions to develop both conjunctural and structural growth in business.
The process is approached considering:
a) The context for growth
b) The critical mass for growth
c) The operation for growth
Considering its conceptual structure, it can be said that the establishment of an adequate context is the final goal to be achieved, the operational structure for growth allows producing it and the critical mass allows saving energy in the process.
The context for business growth needs to be diagnosed because the changes of a context happen very slowly and if the context is not adequate, the project cannot be implemented.
*Excerpt from the book “The Unicist Standard for Business Growth” by Peter Belohlavek.
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