Unicist Ontology of Business Architecture

The following excerpt is from the Unicist book titled Unicist Business Architecture by Peter Belohlavek.

Unicist business architecture is not only a functional architecture, but a structural functionalist approach to businesses.

This is a structural approach because it deals with businesses considered as adaptive systems, which are integrated by interdependent elements that are approached based on their ontological structure.

Unicist Ontology of Business Architecture

Unicist Ontology of Business Architecture

It is functional because it follows the same ontology of functionality as does functional architecture.

The purpose of unicist business architecture is to define a business model. It implies seeking for an organization by results which is integrated by a market orientation, a business orientation and an orientation towards the use value of products. The purpose has to ensure the utility of the architecture.

The unified field of the business has to be apprehended in order to define the complementation and supplementation between the elements that integrate it. The organization by results needs to be sustained by a strategy that includes both the minimum and the maximal strategies.

The active function, which provides the aesthetics of the structure, is defined by the hyperrealism of the model, which includes the emulation of reality as a business, the functional reality of the elements of the organization and the essential reality of the unified field.

This allows developing a simple manageable model that defines the architecture of the business at a structural level.

The model of the essential concepts of the unified field is the catalyst for the minimum strategy which needs to develop the genotype of the business model to sustain the purpose of providing a secure business model to develop the necessary systems.

The energy conservation function that provides the solidity of the business architecture is integrated by the genotype of the business model, the results driven organization that defines its phenotype and the operational methods that allow validating the business architecture.


The unicist business architecture requires using a method for making destructive and non-destructive pilot tests until the architecture is considered adequate based on the results produced.