Author: Wes Spears

Speed Defines Success in the Business World

The following excerpt is from the Unicist Confederation Blog post titled “Speed defines success in the business world” by Diana Belohlavek. Speed is the basic condition for the success of artists, professionals or companies. The technological development, among other factors,…

Diagnosing In Business

Below is a link for the EM Basic Poscast, episode “Chest Pain”. You can find EM Basic at  This is a podcast given by an Emergency Room physician and covers diagnosis of inbound patients. Healthcare is paradigmatic case…

Listen to the Future

In a recent podcast, Steve Gillmor characterized Steve Jobs as being able to “listen to the future”. Steve Jobs is an intuitive business architect with astonishing results.

Complex Problems Require a Different Approach

Mr. Mark Schenk provides a good overview of various types of problems in this video. Access it: What is clear is that complex problems require an approach that is different. The Weston Group has adopted The Unicist Standard for…